Making the world
a better place together?
With “Craftspeople without Borders”
we can make a difference!
We want to contribute to greater social justice across the globe. How? Through a European network of “Craftspeople without Borders”, we want to support the infrastructure of trades in developing countries, in order to improve the prospects of the local craftspeople in terms of both income and long-term employment.
“Craftspeople without Borders” offers:
- Training in Germany, France, Italy and soon in Poland for craftspeople who would like to take an active part in this project
- A platform for direct placement of these expert craftspeople with project sponsors worldwide
First-hand testimonials
Madagaskar: Jochen Sauer baut Prototypen zur Herstellung von Pflanzenkohle
In einem 4-wöchigen Einsatz entwickelte Metallbaumeister Jochen Sauer Maschinen zur Pflanzenkohleproduktion, schulte die Teilnehmer*innen zur Serienfertigung und Wartung und bildete ausgewählte Personen zu Trainern aus. … Read more >>
Yvonne Zöller: Workshop zur Fertigung eines Spinnrades auf Madagaskar
Auf Madagaskar leitete Yvonne Zöller einen Workshop zur Prototyperstellung eines Spinnrades und zum Thema „Kostenkalkulation und Marketing“. … Read more >>
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